1525:The Royal Town of Nyborg

Østfyns Museums/ Nyborg Castle,

 Jacquard dishtowels
Mugs without handles


Nyborg Castle was the meeting place of the Danish parliament in the Middle Ages, and the first Danish constitution, the Coronation Charter of 1282, was drawn up here. Nyborg was officially designated the first proper capital of Denmark in 1525. The castle was rebuilt and the walls of the banqueting hall were decorated with a characteristic geometrical pattern that became the symbol of the role and status of Nyborg.

It was important to communicate the fact that Nyborg has been a royal city, which is why we decided to call our collection ‘1525’. Both to excite curiosity and also to establish this date, which is so important for Nyborg and yet is relatively unknown. The Danish court (known as ‘Danehof’) was gathered here under the aegis of the King with an abundance of food and drink. We support this story by basing our collection on dishtowels and mugs.

The products had to formulate the history of the castle in a modern style suitable for a contemporary home. The motif is the geometrical pattern, which was – and still is – extensively used. Both of our products have a royal touch to them with their notes of gold; the story is unfolded on the packaging



Tirpitz, Denmark. Jewelty collection


The Glyptotek, Denmark. Jewelry collection